
Types of Companion Foods Best Breast Milk For Babies

Types of Companion Foods Best Breast Milk For Babies

After 6 months, now your baby is ready enough to be given other complementary foods besides only the ASI he has consumed so far. Why 6 months? This is because the digestive system in the baby has begun to be ready to accept the types and textures of other foods that are more dense than at the previous time.

Age of 6 months in infants is not a standard. However, this age allows the tiny stomach and digestive system organs including parts of the esophagus to be sufficiently ready to digest the complementary food of more dense breast milk so that it will be able to flow to the inner digestive system properly.

Not only that, the age of 6 months in infants has made them begin to need nutrition and nutrition from foods that taste better and more diverse. That is why it is important to consider providing complementary foods as soon as the 6-month-old child Now, if the mother is ready and sees the condition of the child has begun to look excited when given a spoon that is brought close to his mouth, then maybe at this time the mother must begin to determine what type of food will be given to the child.

Well, talk about the type of complementary food that you want to give to the baby. It is better if the mother does not choose, be selective in determining what type of food will be given to the child. Foods that are healthy and have high nutritional content, which of course must take precedence. Because basically, the purpose of providing this type of food to the baby is to meet the nutritional and nutritional needs of the body. For this reason, the priority is to provide foods with a lot of nutrients and nutrients.

As for the earliest stages or when first giving complementary food to breast milk to babies, parents will usually be advised to give food in stages, starting from providing food with a more fluid, thick texture to solid food.

This of course enabled the first digestive system, the esophagus in infants to adapt to new types of food. Thus, do not give various types of new food to your child with a barrage that is given at one and the same time. In addition to affecting the digestive organs, this will also react to his health.

We don't know that what your little one eats is an allergen that will trigger allergies in his body. For this reason, it is important to give certain types of food slowly and wait for a break from replacing one food to another to see if there is an allergic reaction from the food consumed.

There are quite a variety of foods with good nutritional content that are proven to be suitable for babies because they have benefits to support the growth of the baby. After 6 months, a baby will usually be advised to be given complementary food.
The goal, as explained above, is to meet the nutritional needs that have not been fulfilled by breast milk. The content of baby food that is suitable for MPASI (ASI complementary food) must be able to meet the baby's needs for some of the nutrients needed such as iron, folate, zinc, as well as various other vitamins and other minerals.

When choosing food, try so that you can choose the type of food that is fresh and not through the preservation process. If the new baby is first introduced to other foods, then give the same food about 3 days before the mother introduces it to other foods. The goal is above, namely to detect the possibility of allergies that attack the child due to consuming certain foods.

In addition, before your baby can eat a normal amount, then it should still give him milk, only after he starts to be able to eat a normal amount, then the intake of breast milk can begin to be reduced gradually gradually. Instead, increasing the amount of food intake other than breast milk is done slowly, do not do it suddenly and give your baby a large portion.

This is intended so that the digestion of the baby can run well and adapt slowly. For the first time, your baby may look ravenous, because his ability to explore new tastes makes him look excited, but maybe in the middle you will meet your baby, it is increasingly difficult to be fed because he already knows texture and taste. However, it is like that normally, maybe the baby already feels full of his new food. When this happens you should not force yourself.

As for how to make this food is quite easy, all you need is rice flour as much as 1 tablespoon and mixed together with milk formula as much as approximately 200 ml. Then using a spoon, dissolve these two ingredients evenly until they are mixed and the texture can be adjusted to your liking.

Cook these two mixture using low heat in the pan until boiling evenly, until the mixture becomes slightly thick. If the flour clumps, you should filter it first.

2. Potato Milk Porridge The second type of porridge is potato milk porridge, serving porridge is suitable given to infants who have just entered the age of 6 months.
Food variations in infants are sufficiently suggested that babies do not feel bored because they always consume the same type of food repeatedly. To make this dish actually quite easy, all you need is 50 grams of peeled and steamed potatoes and cut into small pieces. Then provide formula milk mixed with this ingredient.

fig making is also quite easy. The first is to smooth the potatoes that have been mixed with a little milk, then blend with the blender evenly. After that, add the remaining available formula and mix it evenly. Just like the porridge above, if the potatoes are lumpy, then strain before serving.

3. Vegetable Porridge Babies need to consume various types of vegetables to maintain their health and meet the nutritional needs of their bodies.
And vegetable porridge is one type of healthy food that is good and is recommended to be given to 6 month old babies. How to make this one type of food is fairly simple.

You only need as much as 50 grams of broccoli that has been cut and steamed. Then mix together with 5 tablespoons of formula milk powder or mixed with breast milk. To make it you only need to mix these two ingredients with milk and puree using a blender.

Then mix all the remaining milk and stir evenly. Actually, you also don't have to just use broccoli, replace it with other vegetables and with a greater number of variations is okay. The Best Types of Food For Babies After Porridge If the above is a list of the first foods given to babies.
The following are a list of the best types of food that a mother can give to a baby, after she has known quite a lot of food and has been more than 6 months old.

Because the content is rich in nutrients, vitamins that are also abundant minerals will be able to meet the nutritional needs of his body. What are they? Come on, we see below.

1. Yellow Pumpkin This type of fruit food is often used as ingredients to make various kinds of food, ranging from sweet foods to salty ones. Not infrequently, pumpkin is also often used as a mixture to make compote during Ramadan like this. And apparently, not only delicious and delicious to be eaten by adults, this one food ingredient is also good given to babies.

Besides being rich in fiber, pumpkin also has abundant vitamin C and A. Mothers can provide these foods to the baby by processing them either baked or boiled. To add flavor so that your child is more interested in this dish, the mother can add a sprinkling of low-salt cheese or mixed with various other types of vegetables such as garbanzo beans and so on.

2. Lentils Peanut At a glance, the appearance of these beans is more like green beans. Even in some places there are people who call these beans as lentils.
Although the overall shape is similar to green beans, the difference is just the color that is not the same as green beans.

 This type of bean is suitable as a healthy baby food. No wonder, if this type of food is included in the list of the best foods to give to babies because it has high fiber and protein content.

This peanut dish can be served with a mixture of vegetables, basil or oregano. Before cooking and processing these vegetables, you can soak them for about 12 hours so that the texture of the beans becomes much softer.
 After that, you just need to boil it, then mash it using a blender and give it to your baby.

3. Broccoli The best type of healthy food is to give broccoli. This type of vegetable may be familiar, because broccoli has a myriad of benefits and good nutrition given to the baby.
 The content of folate, calcium and fiber in broccoli makes it good and recommended to be given to your little one. In addition, the sulfur content in broccoli is supposed to increase a baby's appetite.

To present this food ingredient is to cut it into small pieces, steaming and cooling. Then give it to your baby. In addition, this food ingredient can be used as a teether, by cooling this material in the refrigerator. To reduce the unpleasant smell on broccoli, you can soak broccoli in hot water for about 2-3 minutes.

4. Blueberries This typical dark blue fruit comes from flavonoids called anthocyanins. This anthocyanin content is very useful for both the eyes, brain and urinary tract in infants.
 Mothers can present this food ingredient to the baby in the form of juice or healthy puree.

The color is cheerful and combined with other fruits will make your child interested in tasting this type of food. So some lists of the best types of food that can be given to the baby when you first introduce complementary foods and other foods when the baby is getting bigger. May be useful.

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