
Unhealthy Social Life Can Disrupt Health

Everyone would want to always have excellent health conditions. Nobody wants to be sick. A healthy body makes it easy for people to do many things. Even to enjoy the most relaxing things though. Healthy mind and body make people able to make the best decisions they can make in their lives. All efforts are made to stay healthy. Applying a healthy lifestyle starting from consuming nutritious food, adequate exercise and quality rest is an effort made to stay healthy. But be careful, this effort can be undermined by unhealthy relationships in social life.

Reported from mindbodygreen.com, Tuesday 13/12/2016) in the Whitehall II Study involving more than 10,000 people revealed, there is a real connection between poor health and stress and unhealthy social relations. Those who have poor quality relationships are more at risk of stroke and heart disease than those who have a good relationship with their social environment.

As a socializing creature, everyone will want to have a good and healthy relationship, but life can lead us to a bad relationship. If you can choose, of course we just want to meet people who can establish healthy friendships. Unfortunately, toxic and unhealthy relationships are difficult to detect. If you already experience what should be done?
There are 3 tips you can do to stay healthy even though you have an unhealthy relationship with the social environment.

Realize You Have a Choice
Every time we meet people, maybe we will have a different relationship. Not everything is good. If you are forced to be in an unhealthy relationship, make peace with yourself that it really is like that relationship exists. You can't force everything to go as expected or change other people. You can choose to limit relationships, cut ties completely or choose to continue to feel miserable because of that relationship. Do not let the last choice be chosen because it will only hurt yourself and make you sick.

Grow Self Awareness to Make the Right Decision
Overcoming a disturbed mood because the relationship is not good, it's good to look again at yourself. Meditation can be done so that the heart and mind become cleaner and better so that you can make the right decisions for the continuation of your relationship.

Talk to someone
You might not be able to handle every problem of the relationship yourself. Trying to talk to other people might help to provide a more neutral and objective view. Not just anyone can talk to. You must choose someone who is trustworthy and feels capable of giving a good view of your problem. If there is no such person on your friends list, you might need to meet a counselor to help deal with your relationship problems.

Peaceful life without being disturbed by the burden of feeling is the desire of every person in life. A good relationship will help you stay in a healthy state of mind and health. So, do you still want to stay in a painful relationship?

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